Workplace Violence Policy and Program

1. Introduction

My Biggest Little Dream Studio is committed to maintaining a safe and secure workplace for all employees, clients, and visitors. This policy establishes guidelines and procedures to prevent and address workplace violence. This program is designed to create awareness, provide training, and establish a protocol for responding to incidents of violence.

2. Policy Statement

2.1. Zero Tolerance:

  • My Biggest Little Dream Studio has zero tolerance for workplace violence. Any act, threat, or gesture of violence will be treated seriously and addressed promptly.

2.2. Applicability:

  • This policy applies to all employees, contractors, clients, and visitors associated with My Biggest Little Dream Studio.

2.3. Scope:

  • Workplace violence includes, but is not limited to, physical assaults, threats, intimidation, harassment, and any other disruptive behavior that poses a risk to the safety and well-being of individuals in the workplace.

3. Prevention Program

3.1. Education and Training:

  • All employees will receive training on recognizing and preventing workplace violence during orientation and periodically thereafter.

  • Training will cover the types of behaviors that constitute violence, reporting procedures, and the importance of maintaining a respectful workplace.

3.2. Security Measures:

  • My Biggest Little Dream Studio will implement security measures to minimize the risk of workplace violence. This may include access controls, surveillance systems, and other safety measures.

3.3. Reporting Procedures:

  • Employees are encouraged to report any incidents or concerns related to workplace violence promptly.

  • A clear reporting procedure, including alternative channels for reporting, will be established to ensure that employees feel comfortable coming forward.

4. Response to Incidents

4.1. Immediate Action:

  • In the event of an immediate threat, employees should contact local law enforcement.

  • My Biggest Little Dream Studio will take immediate action to address the situation, which may include separating individuals involved and involving law enforcement if necessary.

4.2. Investigation:

  • All reports of workplace violence will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.

  • The investigation will be conducted impartially, and confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible.

4.3. Corrective Action:

  • If a violation is substantiated, corrective action will be taken promptly. This may include counseling, disciplinary action, or termination, depending on the severity and frequency of the behavior.

5. Communication and Awareness

My Biggest Little Dream Studio will communicate this policy to all employees and stakeholders regularly through various channels, including employee handbooks, training sessions, and company-wide communications.

6. Conclusion

My Biggest Little Dream Studio is dedicated to providing a workplace that is safe and free from violence. This policy and program underscore our commitment to maintaining a secure and respectful work environment for all.

Contact Information:

  • Security and Safety Department

  • Email:

  • Address: 220 - 2238 Yukon St, V5Y 3P2, BC, Vancouver

  • Phone: 1-604-993-0448

Effective Date: December 12, 2023