Workplace Prevention of Harassment and Bullying Policy and Program
1. Introduction
My Biggest Little Dream Studio is committed to maintaining a workplace free from harassment and bullying. This policy establishes guidelines and expectations for employees to foster a respectful and inclusive work environment. This program is designed to prevent, address, and eliminate harassment and bullying in all forms.
2. Policy Statement
2.1. Prohibition:
Harassment and bullying of any kind, including but not limited to verbal, physical, visual, or online conduct, is strictly prohibited.
2.2. Applicability:
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, clients, and visitors associated with My Biggest Little Dream Studio.
2.3. Scope:
The policy covers harassment and bullying based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
3. Prevention Program
3.1. Education and Training:
Employees will receive training on the prevention of harassment and bullying during orientation and periodically thereafter.
Training will cover the types of prohibited behavior, reporting procedures, and the consequences for violations.
3.2. Clear Reporting Procedures:
A clear and accessible reporting procedure will be established for employees to report incidents of harassment or bullying.
The reporting procedure will include alternative channels, such as contacting a designated HR representative or using an anonymous reporting system.
3.3. Confidentiality:
All reports of harassment or bullying will be treated confidentially to the extent possible while ensuring a thorough investigation.
Confidentiality will be maintained, and information will be disclosed only to those who need to know for the purpose of the investigation.
4. Investigation and Resolution
4.1. Prompt and Thorough Investigations:
All reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.
Investigators will be impartial, trained, and equipped to handle investigations appropriately.
4.2. Corrective Action:
If a violation is substantiated, corrective action will be taken promptly. This may include counseling, disciplinary action, or termination, depending on the severity and frequency of the behavior.
4.3. Protection Against Retaliation:
Retaliation against any individual for reporting harassment or bullying, or for participating in an investigation, is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.
5. Communication and Awareness
My Biggest Little Dream Studio will communicate this policy to all employees and stakeholders regularly through various channels, including employee handbooks, training sessions, and company-wide communications.
6. Conclusion
My Biggest Little Dream Studio is dedicated to providing a workplace that is respectful, inclusive, and free from harassment and bullying. This policy and program underscore our commitment to maintaining a positive and healthy work environment for all.
Contact Information:
Human Resources Department
Email: hr@mbldstudio.com
Address: 220 - 2238 Yukon St, V5Y 3P2, BC, Vancouver
Phone: 1-604-993-0448
Effective Date: December 12, 2023