COVID-19 Safety Plan

1. Introduction

My Biggest Little Dream Studio is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our employees, clients, and visitors. This COVID-19 Safety Plan outlines the measures and protocols in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our studio premises.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this plan is to:

  • Protect the health and well-being of employees, clients, and visitors.

  • Comply with public health guidelines and regulations related to COVID-19.

  • Minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission within the workplace.

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Management

Management is responsible for:

  • Establishing and enforcing safety protocols.

  • Providing necessary resources for implementation.

  • Communicating updates and changes to employees.

3.2. Employees

Employees are responsible for:

  • Adhering to safety protocols and guidelines.

  • Reporting symptoms or potential exposures promptly.

  • Cooperating with all safety measures in place.

4. Workplace Controls

4.1. Hygiene Practices

  • Hand Hygiene: Employees must wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the studio.

  • Respiratory Hygiene: Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissues immediately.

4.2. Physical Distancing

  • Workspace Arrangement: Workspaces are arranged to ensure a minimum of 2 meters (6 feet) distance between individuals.

  • Meetings and Gatherings: Virtual meetings are encouraged, and in-person meetings are limited to essential activities with appropriate physical distancing.

4.3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Masks: Masks are mandatory in all common areas and when physical distancing is not possible.

  • Other PPE: Additional PPE is provided as necessary for specific tasks or roles.

4.4. Cleaning and Disinfection

  • Frequent Cleaning: High-touch surfaces, equipment, and common areas are cleaned and disinfected regularly.

  • Workspace Cleanliness: Employees are responsible for maintaining cleanliness in their individual work areas.

5. Health Monitoring

5.1. Symptom Monitoring

  • Employees must conduct a daily self-assessment for symptoms associated with COVID-19.

  • Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home and seek medical advice.

5.2. Reporting

  • Employees must report any potential exposure to COVID-19 or confirmed cases promptly to management.

6. Communication

  • Regular communication updates are provided to employees regarding COVID-19 safety measures and changes.

  • Signage is placed throughout the studio to remind individuals of safety protocols.

7. Visitors and Clients

  • Visitors are restricted, and client interactions are encouraged to occur virtually whenever possible.

  • Visitors must adhere to safety protocols, including hand hygiene and mask-wearing.

8. Emergency Response Plan

  • Protocols are in place to respond to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 within the workplace.

  • Employees are aware of the steps to take in case of an emergency.

9. Training and Education

  • All employees receive training on COVID-19 safety protocols and the importance of adherence.

  • Regular updates and refresher training are provided as needed.

10. Review and Revision

This COVID-19 Safety Plan is subject to periodic review and revision to align with public health guidelines and regulations.

Contact Information:

  • Human Resources Department

  • Email:

  • Address: 220 - 2238 Yukon St, V5Y 3P2, BC, Vancouver

  • Phone: 1-604-993-0448

Effective Date: December 12, 2023